Before you even commence on your housing plans, this is ONE VERY IMPORTANT question you should be asking.
Should I take up a housing loan from HDB or bank?
Just like the normal Singaporean, here are some of the consideration factors that most of us may have thought of...
• Is HDB loan interest rate really GUARANTEED and deem as a safe haven?
• If I am going to take up a HDB loan for the second or more time, how would this affect the amount of cash I will take back from the intended sale of my current HDB flat?
• Can I still use my CPF funds to pay for bank loan housing instalment?
• Between HDB and bank loan, what’s the difference in monthly instalment and interest savings?
• Is it true that a single household can acquire 2 and more properties at a maximum 75%-80% property loan?
Allow us to share with you a way to look at this in a total different perspective.
With the right financing strategy, this can help you SAVE $100,000 - $300,000.
To find out more, simply click the button below.